Mascot Hall of Fame Awards

The Mascot Hall of Fame recognizes there are hundreds of amazing mascot programs out there and we want to help every one of them get the recognition they deserve. 2023 marked the second year honoring those programs. Nominations are based off of the work the mascots have done over the previous 12 months since the prior year's awards concluded
The Mascot Hall of Fame Awards allow for all mascots to be nominated in one of seven different categories. Mascots will compete against mascot programs at the same level. We accept nominations from teams, schools, and the general public, and then ask the mascots nominated to accept their nominations for consideration. The Mascot Hall of Fame will review the accepted nominations and craft separate ballots for each award category and mascot level.
Once the ballots are set, voting is 100% based on public vote. Each ballot will allow for a single mascot to be selected within its category and everyone can vote daily for each category and level. The awards and categories are listed below.
Awards and Categories
Greatest Community Impact
A program within the organization’s community that is spearheaded by the team or school’s mascot which directly benefits the community. The program can be any type of effort which helps with specific needs within the community; Educational, fighting hunger, public safety, etc.
Categories to include (5):
Major League Sports, Minor League Sports, Collegiate, High School, and Corporate.
Best In-Game Routine or Skit
An in-game routine or skit that the mascot performs during the sporting event for the team or school. It could be a single routine/skit or a series of the same routine/skit that is performed all season long.
Categories to include (4):
Major League Sports, Minor League Sports, Collegiate, and High Schools.
Best Video Short
A produced video featuring the mascot. This video could be used online, on social, or at a live event. Videos should be judged on originality, creativity, and entertainment value. Does not have to be sport related.
Categories to include (4):
Major League Sports, Minor League Sports, Collegiate, and High Schools.
Best Corporate Use for Brand
Specific to corporate mascots where corporations use their mascot to positively enhance their brand to the public.
Best Independent Mascot
Specific to mascots not affiliated with a professional sports team, college, high school, or corporation. The Mascot program that sets itself apart in all that it does compared against its peers and other affiliated programs.
Best Collegiate Live Animal Mascot Program
Specific to live animal mascot programs at the collegiate levels, including all NCAA Divisions and NAIA programs. The program that best embodies its university or school and positively enhances the institution's mission.
Best Collegiate Live Human Mascot Program
Specific to live human mascot programs at the collegiate levels, including all NCAA Divisions and NAIA programs. The program that best embodies its university or school and positively enhances the institution's mission.