Mascot Database


Raider Red

Team: Texas Tech University


Raider Red is Texas Tech’s costumed mascot. Before the 1971 football season, the Southwest Conference passed a rule which restricted the bringing of live animal mascots to out of town games. Thus, the Masked Rider, Tech’s official mascot, would not be able to travel representing the university. Jim Gaspard, a member of the male spirit organization, Saddle Tramps, created the Raider Red character from drawings from Dirk West to represent Tech at away football games.

Raider Red is a public relations mascot who shakes hands with the crowds at athletic events and poses for pictures. He attends football games, men’s and women’s basketball games, women’s volleyball, as well as men’s baseball. You can also find Raider Red making appearances at women’s tennis matches, softball and soccer games, and around the Lubbock community.

Prior to 2005, only members of the Saddle Tramps were able to serve as Raider Red. In 2005, the Center for Campus Life formed a partnership with the Saddle Tramps and extended the offer to the High Riders, a female spirit organization.

In 2012, the Raider Red program was proudly supported and funded by the Texas Tech Credit Union. The Texas Tech Credit Union provides funding for operational expenses, uniform upkeep and replacement, as well as scholarships for the students who serve as mascot.

Raider Red was crowned the 2021 & 2022 NCA Mascot National Champion. In addition, in 2012, Raider Red was selected as the Capital One Mascot of the Year.
