Meet the Hall of Famers

The Oriole Bird


Class Of

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Baltimore Orioles


Class Of

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Baltimore Orioles

Born On 19790406

League: MLB

Mascot Type: Costumed Character

Description: Bird

, Oriole

On April 6, 1979, The Oriole Bird hatched out of a giant egg at Memorial Stadium and became the official mascot of the Baltimore Orioles. Since then, this featherweight has entertained millions of baseball fans at Oriole Park at Camden Yards and has made thousands of special appearances throughout the Baltimore area and the United States.

POSITION: Official Team Mascot & Goodwill Ambassador

HEIGHT: Somewhere between tweety bird and big bird

WEIGHT: One Quarter ton of feathers

BATS: With both Wings!

HOBBIES: Greeting fans at the ballpark, sliding on dugouts and acting like a birdbrain

FAVORITE FOOD: Mostly bird seed, with the occasional crab cake

Follow on Twitter – @OrioleBird