Mascot Database


Stertorous “Tor” Thunder

Team: Wheaton College

Mascot Type:

Intended to put a face to Wheaton College’s nickname, The Thunder, in the spring of 2011 Student Government, Athletics, Student Development and the College President introduced a costumed character mastodon mascot named Stertorous (a synonym for loud and cacophonous and also meaning heavy snoring) “Tor” Thunder. The costumed character of a male Mastodon Americanus was chosen as a representation for thunder because of the unusual and significant presence of a precious specimen of an extinct Ice Age mammal – the beloved Perry the Mastodon – excavated in 1963 restored and on display in Wheaton’s Science Center. Intended to boost Wheaton College’s nickname, Use of the costumed character mascot is intended to be more than decorative; it is instrumental in fostering energy and excitement throughout the campus community broadly engaging the traditions and spirit of Wheaton College. Generally speaking, Tor is regularly used as a good will ambassador to the college community. It is through exaggeration, characterization, and entertainment, that Tor’s presence is creates shared experiences that are inspiring for a diverse gathering of the community (students, faculty, employees, Alumni, and community relationships).
